Monday, 30 April 2012

Four months old!

waiting on the scale for the official number

Well the big four month mark has come and gone and other than losing a few teeth everything is going great. I had my official weigh on my four week birthday and I am 13.5" tall and weigh 17.8 lbs.  Yippee!  I am growing.  Dr.Kim is very happy with my weight gain and overall growth.  Mom went home and put the numbers into the computer and Diane sent back a chart with all my brothers weights and heights to see how we all compare.  Ummmm.....looks like I am the wee baby brother now.  I am not far off so maybe in the next growth spurt I'll catch up.  Here's what it looks like....


Now that I have the official stuff taken care of lets move onto fun things.  I have graduated from Beginner Obedience classes with flying colors and now working on my Groundwork Agility class which is way more fun than learning rules.  I have a new friend, Wicked, a Golden Retriever puppy.  She is four weeks younger than me but I think we will be forever friends.
This photo was a rare moment that we were sitting still because mostly we like to wrestle.

I have also made in roads with Slice.  She now likes to eat chewies next me...
She also will play tug with me...

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Hey Bro

Hey Sibs!  Just dropping a line to touch base and see how my bros are doing.  My life gets busier by the week!  Not sure how I keep up this pace!  We get going at 5 am and keep going until 10 pm.  Monday was working with mom in the daycare, obedience class with Auntie Amanda (mom is teaching the class) and then Groundwork Agility class with my mom.  Super tired at the end of that day let me tell you!  Yesterday was another daycare day as my best friend Pippa, a mini Aussie pup, was in attendance.  We are exactly the same size and play together all day.  I have another good pal, Bailey, a border collie, she works at the shop too so we see each other everyday.  

Well lets just say when the three of us get together I’m exhausted at the end of the day.  Yesterday I just couldn’t play anymore so I found a couple of places to chill out and watch the room.  My mom thought I looked super cute and the camera comes out.  Good grief that woman and her pictures.  I don’t even care if my eyes are open in pictures anymore!  You’ll see from the pictures that there was no way even Bailey could entice me to chase her.  Phew!  

Last night was my first official leash walk with the family.  Just like a pro!  Now that the weather is nicer and I’m a bit older we will apparently be doing this a lot.

Gotta run, my peeps are waiting.  Catch you on the flip side bros!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

See how I grow

Well I am 14 weeks old now and growing up quite nicely.  I have finally been able to get Slice to play with me.  Well she really prefers the game where we chase each other around.  She is pretty fast but one day I'll catch up. All I know is mom keeps hollering at me to be careful when we are playing.  Pint and I play all the time now, usually wrestling matches in my cozy bed in front of the fire.
I now weigh 16 pounds and stand 13 1/2" tall.  I think I am the smallest of my brothers but my mom says I have a lot of growing to do.  One of my favorite spots to sleep is under the coffee table.  Not sure how much longer I am going to fit there.
When I am not sleeping under the table you will often find me curled up in my dog bed keeping an eye on the room.  Need to make sure nothing fun happens without me.
Just for fun my mom wanted to see how much I have grown since I came home so let's take a look.
As you can see, Porter is a little more accepting of me these days.  You can tell because his ears are up and he doesn't look as disgusted with me.  Okay, the truth is, the only way we can sit beside each other is if there is a treat at stake.  I'm okay with that. 

Let's see how big I look next to the Papillons now

Arson and the Bubble Bath

My mom was at another agility trial today.  Once again, banished to my prison.  Okay it really wasn't all that bad.  I got to meet lots of new people and charm them with my good manners and how much I love my mom.  There was even shopping!  Like my mom, I love to shop and picked out three new toys!

After a long day, mom decided she would have a nice relaxing bubble bath.  I get to hang in the bathroom with her so I don't get in trouble.  Well, this is the first time I have seen a bubble bath.  Usually i just stick my head in while she showers and let the mist hit my face.  Of course I usually knock something off the ledge with my big paws too.  Anyways, so my mom gets in the tub with all these lovely smelling bubbles which peaked my curiosity to say the least.
I had a lick of the bubbles and kept trying to play with them.  Mom was ignoring me while she was talking on the phone to my dad.  So I decided to join her in the bath...
a boy's gotta smell good for the ladies you know.  Well she screamed a little bit when I jumped in and i realized the water was a little warm and after a couple minutes jumped back out.  I think this is where the whole episode wasn't cute anymore.  Flooding the bathroom with water wasn't very funny, or so she thought anyway.  Personally, I had a fabulous time!

13 weeks

Look at me and my family!  As you can see we are all getting along very well.  This picture was taken when we went for a walk at my first agility trial.  We were only there for the day so Slice and Pint could run in a fundraising event for their trip to Belgium.  Porter and I stayed in the van but got to get out and visit lots and go for walks.  On this walk, I was allowed off leash with the Papillons.  Porter isn't allowed off leash as he always runs away.  I was a good boy and walked right beside my dad the whole time.  Every time I checked in I got a cookie.

I really hope I don't have to stay in prison to watch agility for much longer.  I really want to play.  Here hoping the sad puppy dog eyes get me out of this cell.